How To Disable Cortana In Windows 10 Pro & Windows 10 Home

How to Disable Cortana in Windows 10

If you are one of the users of the Windows 10 operating system, of course you are familiar with Cortana. Cortana is a personal application that was originally developed by Microsoft only for Windows 10. But along with the development of time has now also been present for Xbox One and iOS. 

If you don't want to use cortana, you can disable it by following this simple guide.

Disable Cortana in Windows 10 Pro

1. Press “Start” button and search for and open “gpedit.msc“.

 If you are one of the users of the Windows  How to Disable Cortana in Windows 10 Pro & Windows 10 Home

2. Navigate to “Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Search” and find and open “Allow Cortana“. 

3. Click “Disabled“, and press “OK“.

4. Now restart your Windows 10 to complete the process.

Disable Cortana in Windows 10 Home

1.  Press “Start” button and search for and type “regedit.exe“. 

2. Now navigate to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Search“. 

3. In the right panel, right click with mouse and choose “New > DWORD (32-bit) Value” and enter “BingSearchEnabled“. Set the Value data to “0“.

4. We also need to add another key. Right click and choose “New > DWORD (32-bit) Value” and enter “AllowSearchToUseLocation“. Set the Value data to “0“.

5. Next, Double check to make sure that the “CortanaConsent” DWORD key exists with a Value data of “0“. If it doesn’t, you’ll want to create it. 

6. Finally reboot your Windows 10 Home to complete the process.

Cortana should be no more. Instead of “Ask me anything“, the new search box will only say “Search Windows” which seems to be much better now that it doesn’t search the internet for a locally stored document.

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